Conference Location
The 2017 Joint ISAF-IWATMD-PFM conference will take place on the Georgia Institute of Technology's campus in Midtown Atlanta. Georgia Tech is top ranked, leading research university, located in Atlanta, GA. detailed information about the Georgia Tech campus and travel to and around the campus can be found here. The talks will be held in the buildings highlighted in red on the map (clickable). |
The weather in Atlanta is extremely variable. We highly recommend checking the weather forecast in advance of your travel. In general, for the month of May, you can expect lows in the 12-14C and highs around 25-30C in Atlanta. However, the inside of the conference halls will be air-conditioned: we highly recommend that you bring along a light jacket for the cooler inside spaces and events, as well as for the Welcome Reception on the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons' rooftop garden which can get windy.